Note: Information for this trials report was provided by Jeb Fields, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist at the Hammond Research Station at Louisiana State University.
This season started out dry and hot, making it a tough establishment period for some of our trial plants. As the summer progressed, we received more precipitation, and the heat and humidity put the plants to the ultimate test.
This year we evaluated about 250 varieties — some in ground in the sun, in ground in shade, as well as in containers.
Our trials remained fairly consistent with previous years. One thing that is unique about our trials is that we grow in landscape beds instead of rows, so we get a botanic garden feel while evaluating plants in their final form.
The biggest challenge this year was definitely the weather. We got hot early and stayed hot throughout the summer without a break. The nights stayed warm, too. Add the rain to it and it was tough, but many plants did quite well.
Here are a few plants that performed well this year:
- Ageratum ‘Monarch Magic’ (Ball Seed): Spreading but compact growth habit, heavy bloomer, a butterfly magnet.
- Dianthus interspecific ‘Jolt Pink Magic’ (PanAmerican Seed): Thus thrived nearly all summer long, despite dianthus typically being a cool season annual for us. Every time I put eyes on them, there were butterflies all on and around them.
- Coreopsis ‘Uptick Gold’ (Darwin Perennials): It did not succumb to mildew and had a ton of blooms all summer.
- Vinca Titan-ium (series (PanAmerican Seed): Outstanding flowering, did not succumb to Phytophthora, received ratings of 5 all summer long.
- Hydrangea ‘Limelight Prime’ (Proven Winners): Long-blooming, sturdy plant, an Industry’s Choice top favorite (ranked #2) among all plants in the trial garden.
- Rose of Sharon ‘Paraplu Violet’: Had a ton of blooms that the bees and butterflies loved. Also a top 10 Industry’s Choice this year (ranked #7) among all plants in the trial garden.
Find more 2024 field trials information here.
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