Video of the Week: Physical Traps as Part of a Practical IPM Plan

Greenhouse Grower occasionally highlights a video that shines a spotlight on the controlled-environment industry, from crop protection advice to insider views on plant production at greenhouse operations across the country. Have you recently produced a video that you want us to highlight? If so, please send a link to Greenhouse Grower Multimedia Specialist Nick Matysik at [email protected].

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a vital consideration of any greenhouse operation that wishes to remain in operation. Using modern and cutting-edge tools and technology, the common sense practices of IPM laid out by the EPA start with the monitoring and identification of pests in your growing environment, before then moving on to methods of prevention and control. A great deal of the green industry is focused on the effectiveness and safety of the targeted chemical agents of pesticides. However, an often overlooked avenue of greenhouse biocontrol is the implementation of mechanical controls, such as bug traps.

This week’s video from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre takes a look at the effectiveness of mass trapping tools, including sticky traps, as a supplemental arm of an IPM strategy. Doing so can help limit the use of pesticides and save on costs while shoring up your operation from the risk of biocontrol failure due to an unchecked pest population. This video and more from OMAFRA and Vineland can be found hosted on the GreenhouseIPM YouTube channel.

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